Abundant Mercy

Abundant Mercy

Psalm 30:8 “To you, O LORD, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy:”

[This is the proper response in difficulty,

to seek you and your mercy,

to recognize my weakness and your strength,

to trust you, not myself.

I praise you, Lord God, for your goodness and graciousness and for how you answer us in such situations, first delivering us from all our fears, then strengthening us with strength in our souls, then saving us out of all our troubles, whether through deliverance or through giving endurance, or through death (Ps. 34:4-7).

You are the God who is there, you are the God who hears, you are the God who answers. "...the angel of the Lord encamps round about those who fear him and delivers them" (Ps. 34:8).]

Help me to utilize the times of security to deepen my walk with you, Lord Jesus, so that

I may rejoice in the times of difficulty,

offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving,

finding my rest and hope in you,

exalting you by living in Truth.

And I thank you now for how you will answer this prayer.

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