Amazing Creator

Amazing Creator

Psalm 33:8 “Let all the earth fear the LORD;”

[Your might, your power, your dominion, your wisdom and your creation are all reasons to tremble before you, to bow in surrender to the Almighty, All-powerful, All-knowing, All-wise One. You are THE One to be feared, respected and obeyed--not puny man or perverted Satan, who is far more powerful than us, but immensely weaker than you.]

“let all the people of the world revere him.”

[The wonder of your creation--the beauty, the wisdom, the imagination, the intricacy, the variety, the vastness and the very attention to detail in all you have made--lead us to bow before you in awe, in wonder, in reverence at such power, such creativity, such greatness, such goodness, such beauty and such majesty. You alone are worthy of worship, O Lord God.]

Psalm 33:9 “For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.”

[With such ease you made all, with such finality you arranged everything. All creation obeyed you and even in its present twisted, fallen state, the universe follows the laws of physics you established. Your wisdom, your order, your goodness are visible to all who care to see--for what you made reveals your amazing, full-orbed character.

May this increasing knowledge of how great you are lead us to further trust, further surrender, further rest and ongoing praise.]

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