Complaining is the way to unhappiness. The opposite is also true: gratitude is the doorway to happiness.
The Bible has a lot to say about this. In the OT the Lord was often angry with the Israelites for complaining, punishing them with snakes, fire and then 40 years in the wilderness.
On the other side, God does not just encourage thankfulness, He commands it: “Give thanks in all things for this is the will of God concerning you.” I Thes. 5:18 In fact, giving thanks, especially when we don’t feel like it is a high level of worship.
There are important results flowing from the choice to give thanks and have gratitude. One is that in avoiding complaining and refusing to speak negative comments, things are lighter; I literally find myself having more light. I stand up straighter, enjoy life more and have an increase in joy.
Second is that we don’t “pollute” the thoughts of those around us with complaining. I don’t tell my wife what I’d like to complain about, instead I tell God about it. This spares her from darkness and burdens like resentment, anger and taking up offences. This is important in all relationships.
And lastly, in our present society people are looking for things to be offended about, we don’t need to give them more reasons to be so.
I encourage you to walk in the light, think in the light, speak in the light. And be a light to those around you by being thankful, having gratitude in all things, good or bad, pleasant or difficult.
Picture: be a light in the darkness.