Broad and Beautiful Place

Broad and Beautiful Place

More thoughts on “I will exalt you, O LORD, for you lifted me out of the depths….”

You are worthy of praise for bringing us out from the shadow of sin into the light of your love,

into the warmth of your delight, the acceptance of your grace and the wonder of your goodness.

You brought us out into a spacious place because you delighted in us, even before we believed in you;

you did this because of your great love that works against all reason, against all odds, against all human idea of justice.

You are worthy of exaltation, Jesus, for you are the LORD Yahweh, the King of glory, the Savior of the world, the Shepherd of the redeemed and Leader of all who will follow.

Help us this day, this week, this month, this year, Lord, to live in the light of your goodness, to be your disciples by denying our natural selfishness so we can live in otherness.

And by obeying your Word, taking up our cross daily and following you with all our hearts. May we run with endurance the race you have set before us, looking to you so that you may finish our faith and glorify yourself in the process.

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