God has a plan for me!

God’s at work in every situation. If i believe that, life becomes much better!  Here’s an example.

--I took plans for a project to the place to get permission. The answer was “NO! you need better plans!”

--Home for a revision; next week went again. Rejected again!

--Then the  third, fourth and fifth attempts also were rejected. Final comment: “You have to have an engineer draw up your plans."

--OK,  found an engineer. In the process of working with him, he accepted the Lord! Then  he did the work for free!

--Took the plans to  the proper office; again rejected! Directive: “Need more detail, and go see the fire marshal first!”

What in the world was going on? Well, it was obvious God was up to something: either I should drop the plans or look for what else He’s doing.

--Reworked the plans. Fire Marshal accepted them, and the other official too! But then added another step for  me!

--Next day went to the next office where my application was accepted.

Then on the way home, decided to stop at a restaurant for a presentation we’d been invited to but missed it the day before.

Just as we came to the door, there were two high school friends I hadn’t seen in a long time!

Because we arrived at the same time, we got to sit together and had a great time sharing, including spiritual things.

So what was going on? The Lord was orchestrating things so the engineer could come to the Lord;

and I could share further spiritual truth with my high school friends! He has a plan in the most

convoluted happenings; if we trust Him, eventually we will see the goodness and Mercy of the Lord following us (Psalm 23)!

And our faith will be strengthened, ready for the next challenge.

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