God of Grace

God of Grace

I praise you, Lord God, for the beauty of your Character as shown in Psalm 86:15 “…you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

You lean over the side of Heaven and in compassion follow carefully every aspect of my life, preparing each day in detail, providing protection, chastening, guiding and blessing. In compassion you take me through difficulties to break, shape and transform me. You are wholehearted and full-orbed in your compassion.

You are gracious, giving me the opposite of what I deserve. You are kind and good in your dealings with me. You are richly generous, pouring out upon me blessing after blessing: you have given me health, strength, the ability to see, hear, walk and talk; you have given me a fine family, good friends, meaningful work, constant protection and many belongings. And even if I had none of these, I have you! I lack nothing because you are my Shepherd.

Thinking these truths bring freedom, they lead to joy, to gratitude, and eventually to happiness. I praise you, Lord, for this is what you offer us in Jesus. Help us to dwell there, resting in your deep love for us.

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