Growing Freedom

Growing Freedom

This is the next to the last post from the body of my autobiography. It is a summary of what the Lord has done in my life over the years, bringing a greater and greater freedom.

Psalm 119:30,32 says, “I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws….I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”

Praise be to you, my Lord and my God, for you have set my heart free, free from the chains of sin, depression, selfishness and death.

As your child I am actually free to make choices now because you have brought me out from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.

You have set me free from a mere existence of fumbling in the shadows, stumbling over the unseen. You are the light of life and You have caused the light of salvation to shine deeply into my heart. You have invited me to walk on the path of the righteous, bringing me ever more into the full light of your day. Now in your grace I can choose the way of Truth that your Word and your Spirit show me.

You are setting my heart free from fear, from bondage to selfishness, from lust, from anger, frustration and negative thinking. You have set my feet free from the shackles of Satan that prevent me from running away from sin, that pull me to choose what is destructive, to react with violent, knee jerk negatives.

You have set me free from the anxiety and fear expressed in my hot anger when things around me are out of my control, when I get lost on a trip, when people fail to follow through, when I feel like a fool.

Now I can run, my feet unbound, my legs strengthened by your Spirit, my eyes opened by the light of your Word, my soul ready to soar.

You have set me free with the knowledge that in you I am secure, that you are my Shepherd, my King. You are taking me to the end of history and in you I am safe. In you I am significant and can rest in that no matter how I may feel, act or fail.

You have set me free from the fear of man, cutting the emotional ties to what others think or value or want. You have established a new connection from your heart to mine.

You have given me a knowledge of your presence and a desire to obey you rather than the twisted self-centered desires of mine and of those around me.

You have set me free from impatience. Your plans are unfolding at the right pace; your time table cannot be thwarted.

You have set me free from being tied to only what I can see. You have opened my eyes to the eternal, to the supernatural, to the working of your hand all around me. God sightings come often.

You have set me free from pride, showing me how small, how feeble, how powerless, how sinful I am. You are revealing the depth of the depravity of my natural self and the height of the holiness with which you have gifted your children.

more to come

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