He Who Unites Opposites

He Who Unites Opposites

You, O God, are so kind, so gracious, so giving when we deserve the opposite. You are full of mercy and truth—two seemingly contradictive opposites. Truth would demand punishment, banishment and total rejection of sinners.

Mercy, however, at great cost to you, brings forgiveness, reconciliation, transformation, adoption and acceptance--all provided in grace and love. You do not accept us reluctantly, but with warmth, enthusiasm and rejoicing, and we stand in your presence dearly loved, deeply cared for, doted on and delighted in!

You, O Elohim, are the wonderful, Triune God whose love and compassion, grace and patience, mercy and goodness are far beyond what we can comprehend. Glory be to you, honor be to you, exaltation be to you forever and ever.

Prayer: “Lord, help me today to live in the light of your Love, growing in my grasp of who I am in you: a child of the King, a sibling of the Lord Jesus, a partner in your plans. Help me to reject the view of the world, that I am of no importance, and in

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