I tossed and turned in my dreams, struggling with some rules blocking a project of mine; I was desperately trying to find a way to meet their demands. However in the background of the dream I could hear these words, “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart,” words from Psalm 34.
I woke to the echo of those words, and opening my computer, began to lift my soul to God, telling Him of my frustration, worry and anger. Then I repeated the words, “Delight yourself in the Lord….” and, after a pause, committed stop complaining and to delighting in the Lord.
I began by thinking of all His wonderful qualities, His marvelous work, and His great love for me. These are much more important to pursue than my building project.
It is so easy to fight what comes instead of surfing the waves God allows. And shortly I saw why he allowed my project’s problems. The fellow I hired to draw up professional plans for it turned out to be very open spiritually and through my neighbor made a commitment to the Lord while here.
Then he shared with me his struggles with depression and anxiety. Well, I gave him a copy of my book Equipped!, which he eagerly accepted, and pointed him to a very good Christian counselor. If I hadn’t had those problems, I’d never have met this man. It’s so good to surrender, praise and trust. And the Lord added a bonus: the man said, “Tell you what, I’ll trade my work for the book; no charge!