Power in Praise

Power in Praise

Written many years ago:

Psalm 34:1-2. “I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise shall continuallybe on my lips.” [We can always say, “Thank you, Lord God, that in every happening there is potential growth in my focus on you and a platform upon which I can demonstrate your grace to the world.”]

“My soul will boast in the Lord.” 

[Thank you, Lord, for the continual reminder that in myself I can do nothing and that the thrust of my life is to give glory to you, not to me!]

“The afflicted hear and rejoice.” [How good that we can encourage others by praise, helping them also to praise, as we lead the way in extolling God.]

It is so good to look at all things through the purifying lens of God’s Word and to keep up the shield of faith with words of praise. We thank God that He is teaching us to praise, even though we are slow learners!

Prayer: “Lord, help me to remember in each disappointment, difficulty and discomfort, as well as in the positive, the preferred and the pleasant, to respond with praise, surrendering to the Truth of your being God, the final Authority, the all wise One.

Help me to affirm my trust in you by praising when I feel like complaining, by giving thanks when I feel like rebelling. May you be exalted in my life today through praise and thanksgiving. Amen.”

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