Psalm 19:12

Psalm 19:12
Posted on December 30th, 2022

Psalm 19:12 “Who can discern his errors?”

[My inner being, below my consciousness, is largely inscrutable and opaque to me. In there I unknowingly sin with wrong motives, wrong attitudes and wrong desires.

These sins are from my flesh, from the inherited residue of sin from past generations, from the subtle working of the devil, from input from the world–and from my giving in to them.

These sins are there—but their penalty has been paid in Christ’s death and resurrection, praise be to you. So we can pray, along with David, “Forgive my hidden faults” and know that we are forgiven.

As I spend time in worship (giving you, Lord, honor for who you are), you are slowly increasing the depth of understanding of what’s in my inner being–showing me more and more of these hidden faults. Then I can knowingly confess and reject them and instead obey you in these areas.

Praise you for your persistent, patient and powerful work in my life.]

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