Quick to Good

Quick to Good

Psalm 86:15 “…you, O Lord, are…slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

You are slow to anger. You are deeply, graciously, perfectly patient and therefore persistent in our relationship. I so often fail, especially in my thought life and in my motives, and in each sin I grieve you, giving you pain. Yet you do not respond in anger, but instead kindly correct me over and over.

You start with very small alerts and if I don’t respond, slowly work your way up to larger rebukes, patiently giving me chance after chance to see, confess and repent of one sin after another. I praise you for your great, rich, comforting, healing patience.

You are abounding in love: you are an overflowing spring of grace with an endless stream of goodness that pours out of your rich person, for you are agape love itself.

I praise you that your love is unaffected by any of my failures, that your love flows deeply, widely and powerfully forever. It evokes from me an answering love, a desire to do what is pleasing to your heart. Your love transforms, cleanses, equips and leads us on, consistently, abundantly and graciously.

You are abounding in faithfulness: you are perfectly, unchangingly, unwaveringly consistent. You are faithful to your Character, to your Word, to your Wisdom, to your Promises, to your Plan. We can trust you wholly, wholeheartedly, totally and eternally. You are faithful when we are not; you are faithful when it costs you. You are faithful forever.

Glory be to you, Lord God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are totally worthy of worship, of honor, of exaltation. I bow before you today in awe, I rise up in surrender, to obey in praise and thanksgiving. May you be lifted up, glorified and honored in my life today, in my motives, thoughts, words and deeds.

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