

Psalm 21:6 “Surely you have granted him eternal blessings”

[You granted David the blessing of being an ancestor of Jesus, and along with that, eternal life. You granted Jesus the blessing of the Resurrection and now He lives forever to intercede for those who believe in Him. And You grant us a rich, everlasting relationship with you, from which flow further blessings into our lives: grace, goodness, power, protection and wisdom, to name a few—all a foretaste of what we will have in eternity.]

“and made him glad with the joy of your presence.”

[To exult in your powerful and pure presence, Lord God, is to have joy! You, Heavenly Father, restored David’s relationship with you after his adultery. And in the Resurrection, you restored the fabric of the Trinity, which was torn when you turned away from Jesus as He became sin for us on the cross. Now in the God-head there is no end to your joyful, pristine relationships--the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’s rich unity--and your joy of being in the presence of each other.

And you also brought us into your presence, into your family, into your embrace when you made us your children, giving us gladness. Jesus, after his discourse in John 15 said, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” 

This is His desire for us. Let us live in the light of that wonder! Like the stone wall sheltering the little dogwood tree in this picture, God shelters us in goodness]

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