Test of Trust

Test of Trust

Yesterday I wrote this:

Psalm 30:8 “To you, O LORD, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy:”

[This is the proper response in difficulty,

to seek you and your mercy,

to recognize my weakness and your strength,

to trust you, not myself.]

And tonight we are in the Emergency Room again trying to find out what is wrong with Barbara. She has been feeling bad, weak, lethargic, only able to lie around on the couch all day. So after 5 days of that I was able to convince her to come to the ER. So far she’s been poked, x-rayed, MRIed, and poked again for more blood. Thus far they have nothing to tell us.

So we are waiting, an opportunity to recognize our weakness and His strength. Choosing to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving is the right thing to do, as this will honor Him and open the way for Him to show us the salvation of the Lord.

So we wait in expectation, in trust, in faith, thanking God for whatever He’s going to do.

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