The Privilege of being Weak

The Privilege of being Weak

“…the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” Romans 8:26

It is so good to be weak, to realize that our strength is insufficient so we can say, “O Lord our God…we do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you” (2 Chron. 20:12b). It is in this weakness that we begin to really see that His ways are far above our ways, and His thoughts much better than ours.

When I see a need, my first inclination is to jump in and meet that need with my own ideas, strength and resources. However, as I am slowly learning, that is not always the best thing, for I can inadvertently remove a pressure the Lord wanted to use in that person’s life.

Fortunately, most of the time the problems we had in the country we served in were so big and complex that there is no way my feeble efforts could begin to solve them. The only recourse open to me is prayer, and asking others so pray with us. And now we are seeing some significant answers to big problems through persistent prayers.

Just this week Barbara was having some alarming health issues, but when I called to get an appointment, the earliest they had was 6 weeks out! We prayed about it, then I called again and this time the clerk told me that if I called on Monday at 8:00 am they has some “same day” appointments. So I called at precisely 8, and got the only appointment open! Now our GP will give us referrals for further evaluation of Barbara’s condition.

God uses our weaknesses to draw us to Himself and into His way, getting our eyes off ourselves. Our weaknesses are blessings as they teach us not to trust in ourselves but in the One who made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in it. Are we listening to the message of weakness and responding well?

Prayer: “Lord, help me to see my weakness and inabilities as opportunities to pray more and thereby join you in the great things you are doing, rather than complaining and feeling sorry for myself. Amen.”

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