Time to Pray

Time to Pray

Psalm 19:4b-6 “In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.”

You, Lord, in your wisdom, goodness and might, created the sun, making it exactly the right size, burning at precisely the right temperature. Then you placed the earth in just the right orbit around it, not too far, not too close, providing exactly the right amount of heat, light and energy for carbon-based life. The sun speaks to us of your provision and love, your wisdom and power, the earth of our position in your Kingdom.

When simple observation shows us the exactness and wisdom of your design, with so many factors being preciously what is needed, why do so many not believe? Your Word tells us that they have a veil over their faces, put there by Satan and held there by their sin and selfishness. Only as they turn to you is it taken away (2 Cor. 3:15, 4:3,4). And we pray for this veil to be taken away for those we share with, for our loved ones.

As we pray, God works, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We had to pray for my father for 52 years before he was ready to surrender to Christ. Our part is to pray, live a godly life and speak when God gives opportunity. Then seeds planted, watered by prayer, sprout and in the end bear the grain of faith. Are we joining Him?

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