Trust is Good

Trust is Good

Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.”

[When our hope is in you, the Time Starter, the Star-breather, the Dawn-bringer, the History Ender, we can be strong and encouraged, for you, Lord God, are powerful and good and wise and it is your nature to love.

When my heart is down, discouraged and disappointed, I can find my hope in you, the great and glorious God whose power is immeasurable, whose might is eternal, whose strength is unending, whose love guides all you do: “My soul, find rest in God alone, for my hope comes from him” (Ps. 62:5).

To hope in you is wisdom, 

to trust you is good, 

to obey you is freedom, 

to lift our souls to you is joy.

Praise be to you, Lord God for what you will do today in the plans and events before me. I choose to trust you, honor you and worship you. Be glorified in my life today.]

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