Two of God's Gifts to us

Two of God's Gifts to us

Two more things God promises us in Psalm 16:11

“you will fill me with joy in your presence,”

[Truly, knowing Jesus is enough for joy! The more we know you, the deeper our joy goes, overflowing, energizing, transforming and guiding. It is not our circumstances, but the certainty of your presence that is the well-spring of joy in our lives. And this will be multiplied a thousand-fold when we pass through doorway of death into eternal life. We praise you for it!]

“with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

[The certainty of spending eternity with you, Lord Jesus, at your right hand, enjoying the pleasure of your presence, the wonders of your being, the marvels of your new Heaven and new Earth--this is a prospect beyond comprehension. To have this certainty is a further aspect to our present joy.

Yes, Lord Jesus, to know you is enough for joy, a joy that will be ever increasing until death and then exploding into all the dimensions in which you now live, expanding throughout eternity as we learn more and more of your marvelous, infinite character. May I walk together with you in that joy this day, Lord Jesus, so that I can shine the light of your joy on all those I meet.

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